The Raphnet adapter is the only adapter confirmed to work with Wiitars. The Elecom Wii Classic Controller adapter does not work, same for the Mayflash. Released Packs - Chorus/S Hero/S 01 - Its free real S-tate in Custom Songs Central. Custom Songs Central / Verified CH Charter / pee. Contact a subreddit moderator to verify your Reddit username. Clone Hero-friendly Organized Repository of User-provided Songs (66606 songs and counting) Get Clone Hero Add Songs File a Bug. You need to be a verified charter in the CH Discord server. To bypass Google Drive's download quota, follow these steps: Create a folder on your Gdrive -> Select the file you need -> Create a shortcut -> Place it in the folder -> Download the folderīridge, a program for downloading charts directly to your computer Spreadsheet with custom songs and setlists: Here you can post questions, videos and images etc.
Clone Hero is a better made replica of the famous Guitar hero game.